Veterans Day Celebration

On November 10th, East High School and DuBray Middle School hosted a Veterans Day celebration for over 140 veterans and their guests at East High School. Also in attendance were the St. Peters Mayor Mr. Pagano, Alderman Terri Violet, Alderman Gregg Sartorius, and Alderman Melissa Reimer. From our Ft. Zumwalt District Office, Mrs. Laura Wagner Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent PR/Media, Superintendent Dr. Bernard DuBray, and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Henry St. Pierre. From East High School, Assistant Principals Mr. David Wall & Mr. Aaron Wright were in attendance, and from DuBray Middle School, Principal Dr. Earl Draper.  Also in attendance were several recruiters for the St. Peters area including Sgt. Ben DeMoulin, United States Marines, Staff Sgt. Dylan Severson, United States Army, and Staff Sgt. Joseph Henderson, United States Air Force. Retired Captain Garvis Pollard from the St. Charles County Veterans Museum was in attendance as well.

The attendees were entertained by the Dubray Middle and East High combined bands, choirs, and orchestra in the East High gymnasium. Mrs. Ferrell and her culinary students served dinner to the veterans and their guests.

During the evening, Mr. Bishop unveiled the Military Service Wall of Honor which lists the names of our alumni who have served or are currently serving in the military.  Six alumni listed on the Wall of Honor were in attendance with their families. The Military Service Wall of Honor recognizes 87 Ft. Zumwalt East Alumni including members from the inaugural graduating class of 2010 through the most recent class of 2021 who either have served or are currently serving our country in the Armed Forces.

There was student artwork on display honoring service members, poster boards acknowledging veterans on our current staff, and the flags of the military branches. Fort Zumwalt East High veterans were given plaques made by fellow staff members. 

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Veterans Day Celebration